We take the protection of your personal data seriously and will remain transparent about how your information is used. Below we will outline the data we collect, how it is used, and the measures put in place to protect this data, in relation to use of our devices, applications, software, products and services.
1. Data we collect.
2. How we use your data.
3. How your data is shared.
4. Your right to access and control your personal data.
5. Data retention.
6. Our policies for children.
7. Data security.
8. Our international business and data transfer.
9. Company information and contact information.
10. Data Protection Officer

1. Data we collect.

When you use our services, we will collect the following types of information: Information You Provide Us Account Information When beginning to use the Sekonda Smart App, you will be asked to enter some personal information such as a user name, date of birth, gender, height, and weight. You can also choose to add a profile picture. Extra Information If you contact us to provide feedback, we will collect the feedback description and any contact information you submitted along with this, such as an email address. Information We Receive When You Use Our Services Your device will collect data and predicted data for your step count, distance travelled, calories burned, heart rate, weight, sleep status, active minutes, and location. The data collected will vary depending on the device you use. When you sync your device through the APP or other software, data recorded on your device will be transferred from your device to our server. Location Information Services include accurate location data, using GPS signals, device sensors, Wi-Fi access points, and cell tower ID. You authorise us to visit your location via IP address. You can also deny our access through your device or linked mobile device. Your approximate location will still be visible from your IP address. Usage Information When you use the APP, we will receive relevant usage data, which includes page visit records and operational records. Health and other special categories of personal information If we collect health data or any other personal information in special categories that comply with the European Union’s “General Data Protection Regulations” (“GDPR”), we require that you explicitly agree to process this data. You must authorise us to collect this data; for example, when you pair a device with your account in the APP, you authorise us to access your exercise and/or activity data, as well as any data collected using the women’s health tracking feature. You may revoke your consent at any time in the APP settings, including by deleting all your data, your account, and any other information.

2. How we use your data.

Data is collected for the following purposes: To Provide and Maintain Services We use the data collected to provide services and comply with terms of service. For example, we need to use your data to provide you with the Sekonda Smart App control panel to track your workouts, activities, sleep etc; to use the community features, and to provide customer support. In order to use community features in the APP we may use your data to help you find and contact other users and allow other users to find and contact you. For example, any contact information you add to your account may be used to connect you with friends who have this information. When another user has your email address or mobile number, we will show that user that you also use our services. To Improve, Customise and Develop Services We use collected data to improve, customise, and develop new services. For example, we use information to troubleshoot and prevent errors, perform data analysis and testing, conduct research and investigations; and develop new features and services. When you allow us to collect precise location information, we can improve our services, such as by recording sports venues, and drawing activity roadmaps, and provide weather forecasts. We also use your information to make inferences and show you more relevant content. Here are some examples: • Using data such as your height, weight, gender, and age, we can increase the accuracy of your daily exercise and activity statistics, such as your calories burned, and distance travelled. • Based on your sleep data, we can infer your sleep patterns and provide you with customised advice to help you improve your sleep. • We can personalise sports and activity goals based on your previously set goals, and your historical sports and activity data. To Communicate With You We will use your information to send you service notices when needed and respond to you when you contact us. To Promote Safety We use the data we collect to improve the security of our services, our users, and others. For example, we can use data to authenticate the identity of users, prevent fraud and abuse, respond to legal claims, conduct audits, and implement our terms and policies. We use cookies and similar technologies to achieve these goals. For personal information covered by GDPR, we process data based on several legal grounds. These include when you give consent (you can use your account to withdraw consent at any time); when processing data is necessary to enter into a contract with you (such as a terms of service); and our legitimate business interests, such as improving, customising, and developing services, as well as promoting the above security.

3. How your data is shared.

We will not share your personal data except in the limited circumstances described below. When you agree or instruct us to share your data You may instruct us to disclose your information to others, for example when you use community features such as our forums, leaderboards, friends circles, and other social tools. We provide privacy preferences in your account settings to help you control the information that is visible to other users. Please note that if you choose to participate in the rankings, information such as your profile picture, messages posted, total steps, personal statistics and achievements will not be subject to your privacy preferences and will be visible to all other ranking participants. External Processing We may transmit your data to our company affiliates, service providers, and other partners, who will process the information in accordance with our instructions as well as this policy and any other related confidentiality and security measures. These partners provide us with services worldwide, including customer support, information technology, payments, sales, marketing, data analysis, research, and surveys. Third-Party Processors We engage third-party processors to handle your data only when necessary, ensuring they meet stringent data protection standards. We remain responsible for the protection of your data and specify our expectations and their obligations in formal agreements." Legal Reasons and Harm Prevention To comply with laws, regulations, legal procedures, or government requirements; to assert legal rights or to defend legitimate claims; to prevent, detect, or investigate illegal activities, fraud, abuse, breach of our terms, or threats to service or any security Personal security threats to personnel, we can save or disclose your related information. Please note that according to our policies, we will notify you of legal proceedings that require access to your information, such as search warrants, court orders or summons, except as prohibited by law. If the court order provides for a period of confidentiality, we will give notice after the end of the period of confidentiality. Our notification policy exceptions include emergencies or situations that do not achieve the desired goals, such as emergencies that endanger life or serious personal injury. We may share non-personal information that has been aggregated or is not identifiable so cannot be used for personal identification. We may disclose this information to third parties, for example, in public reports on sports and events, to partners who have agreements with us, or as part of the community baseline information we provide to subscribers. If we participate in mergers, acquisitions, or sales of assets, we will continue to take measures to protect the confidentiality of personal information and notify affected users before transferring any personal information to a new organisation.

4. Your right to access and control your personal data.

Legal Bases for Processing We process your personal data on several legal bases, including your consent, to fulfil our contractual obligations to you, for compliance with our legal obligations, to protect your vital interests, or when it is necessary for our legitimate interests, such as improving our services and offering personalised user experiences, provided those interests do not override your rights and freedoms. Wherever you live, we will provide you with the account settings and tools described below to access and control your personal data. Access data Within the APP, you can access most of your personal information, including statistics on daily workouts and activities on your dashboard. Edit and delete data Through account settings, you can change and delete your personal information. For example, you can edit or delete the account data you provided and delete your account as needed. Within account settings, you can choose to delete all your uploaded data. This will be deleted and won’t be able to be retrieved. Data usage We provide you with account settings and tools to control how we use your data. For example, within privacy settings, you can limit how your information is displayed to other users on the service. You can also use the Sekonda Smart App to unpair your device from your account at any time. Breach Notification In the unlikely event of a data breach, we will promptly notify you and the appropriate regulatory authorities, detailing the extent of the breach, affected data, and our proposed mitigation steps, in line with our legal obligations. Impact Assessments We conduct Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) for processing activities that may pose a high risk to your privacy rights and freedoms, ensuring measures are in place to protect your personal data.

5. Data retention.

We will retain your personal information, such as height, weight, and exercise or activity data, until you use your account settings to delete data or the associated account, as we use this data to provide you with personal statistics and other services.

6. Our policies for children.

We attach great importance to taking additional measures to protect the privacy of children. Persons under the age of 13, or the same minimum age of residence jurisdiction (the higher of the two) may not use the software except as agreed by the parents under the relevant laws. If the personal information we collect belongs to a child of the relevant minimum age and we do not obtain parental consent, we will take measures to delete the information as soon as we know of the situation. If parents think that their children have submitted personal information to us, they can contact us by emailing to delete this information.

7. Data security.

We do our best to protect your data security. We use a combination of technology, management, and actual security controls to ensure the security of your data. This includes the use of Transport Layer Security (“TLS”) to encrypt many of our services. However, no data transmission or storage is absolutely complete. If you have security concerns, please contact Automated Decision Making If we use automated decision-making, including profiling, that significantly affects you, we will provide clear information about the logic involved, as well as the significance and the envisaged consequences of such processing for you. You have the right to contest any decision made solely on automated processing.

8. Our international business and data transfer.

Our business is spread all over the world and the information is transmitted to Germany, Hong Kong and other countries for the purposes described in this policy. We legally transmit personal data on a global basis based on multiple legal basis. This includes your consent, EU-U.S. and Swiss-U.S. privacy protections, and the European Commission-approved model contract terms which require a degree of privacy and security protection. For a copy of the model contract terms, please contact us. We follow the principles of privacy protection when collecting, using, sharing, and storing personal information, as described in our Privacy Protection Certificate. If you are dissatisfied with our privacy protection compliance, please contact us. In some cases, privacy protection arbitrators may be triggered. Please note that the privacy and data protection laws of the countries in which we operate may be different from your country and may be less protective than the laws of your country. When you start using Sekonda Smart software and click "I agree" for data transmission, you have agreed to assume this risk no matter what country you live in. If you wish to withdraw your consent in the future, you can cancel your consent in the account settings or delete any further uploads.

9. Company information and contact information.

If you have any questions or suggestions about this policy or your information we use, please contact You can also contact us by the following methods: Telephone: 0116 288 2500 Address: Time Products (UK) Limited, Alexander House, Chartwell Drive, Wigston, Leicester, LE18 2EZ In addition, please note, acting on our behalf Hinteen Inc. will control your personal data and provide service. You can also contact them via the following method: Telephone: 86-0755-23006881

10. Data Protection Officer

For any questions or concerns regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) at, who is responsible for ensuring our compliance with data protection laws.